Friday, March 10, 2006

Mya Zara

Mama mmg suka tengok cite ni....every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nite mesti tunggu depan tv punya...sometimes dah tido pun, mintak Papa tolong kejutkan. Ayesha never really watched it together with me...biasanya dia akan main kat living room tu while Mama enjoy the show.

Suddenly, one day while in the car, Ayesha nyanyi soundtrack cite tu...
Ayesha: Kasyihku syinaaaa...
Mama: (Surprised) Huh, mana Ayesha tahu lagu tu?
Ayesha: (Smile- malu) Asha tengok kat tv

Conclusion : Kids are like sponges...they absorb everything they hear and see and one fine day, you'll be amazed of how much they already knew.


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